The meeting was convened as a result of the parties petitioned NEMA Security Council and the Axim Divisional Police Command, requesting the Council to allow them operate separately at the Axim main lorry station and AYISAKRO lorry station respectively.

The meeting was chaired by the Axim Divisional Police Command, ACP. Isaac Sorkpah, assisted by the Municipal Coordinating Director, Mr. Daniel Bentum Essel.

 The Council with its main objectives to promote peace, harmony and to also restore calm among residents, cooperate institutions and stakeholders in the municipality upon a lengthy discussions on the matter resolved that,

1. The parties should collaborate and work at the AXIM and AYISAKRO lorry stations since the two Unions were the only recognized transport operators in the municipality,

 2. The parties should adopt the “one logo logo line” system of loading that is, one union would load after which the other union will also load.

3. GPRTU and PROTOA should hold monthly meetings to dialogue and decide on issues that will promote their well-being.